THE ΤΕΛΟΣ SOCIETY speaks to Sozita Goudouna, Founding Director of Greece In USA

Greece in USA is a non-profit organization with a global reach that promotes knowledge of contemporary and ancient Greek Culture while fostering international cultural cooperation, experimentation and social engagement. The organization's extensive programming includes commissioned artists' and curators' projects, residencies, educational and ecological initiatives and the commitment to cultivating a sensible culture of innovation and thought leadership.
We are dedicated to offering innovative and unique programs in education and the arts, all exploring the evolving diversity and richness of Greek and Cypriot cultures. The non- profit organization seeks to generate new thinking about the arts and promote cross- cultural dialogue through partnerships and new platforms of creation.
The organization promotes international exchange of practice and knowledge in the arts - visual and sound art, dance, architecture, theatre - research on the methods used in curatorial and performing practices and investigation of points of intersection between the arts, science and the public sphere by means of interventions, collective actions, educational programs and publications.
Greece in USA aims to collaborate and build long-lasting partnerships with leading institutions and individuals who actively engage with Greece and its culture and to convey a comprehensive and distinctive representation of Greece and Cyprus by producing cultural and educational programs that encourage intercultural dialogue and enable cultural involvement.
Our principal goals are:
To shape and envision the image of contemporary Greece in the United States beyond existing stereotypes
To recalibrate the assumed center of Greek national narratives to include those who have often been denied historical recognition.
To transform the way Greek histories are told and produce projects that reflect the vast, rich complexity of Greek culture.
To support Greek inspired cultural practices by welcoming and nurturing new ideas and influential perspectives
To commission, produce and present contemporary Greek and Cypriot culture that grapple with many of the pressing social and political issues of our time
To foster Greek scholarship and cultural research within the American educational system
To develop a transatlantic network for the exchange of culture and ideas
To strengthen the development of structures in cultural policy & leadership, and foster worldwide mobility.
Greece in USA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the State of New York, tax-exempt ID no. 85-0828531. Contributions to Greece in USA are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Greece in USA's launch is under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture.

Arts & Culture Research Lab Observatorium
THE ΤΕΛΟΣ SOCIETY, Arts & Culture Research Lab Observatorium is a nonprofit research organisation registered in Athens, Greece. Through the filter of philosophy, science, technology, and spirituality, TTS focuses on the transdisciplinary production of speculative knowledge as that is perceived in the creative arts & culture in Greece. TTS operates in rural Greece, borderland, remote areas on the verge of abandonment by continuously challenging the known creative edges of our world. TTS advocates for a viable visual-diet, an ecology of art production and equal opportunity under the larger umbrella of ECOTOPIA: Visual, Mental and Environmental Economy, Ecology and Ecosystemology. As for our work abroad, TTS is connecting the North with the South and the East with the West, we endeavour to foster exchanges, collaborations, and publications in the Balkans, the rest of Europe, in the wider region of the Mediterranean, and MENA.
In these times of unprecedented crises it is critical that we collectively develop a set of orienting coordinates, that help us navigate the uncertain and complex terrain of the inevitable transition. We find in this time of instant messaging, endless pixels of information, sponsored research posts and labyrinthine conspiracy theories, Science (and even Truth) has failed to guide us away from the sheer face of extinction. To address this we must develop heuristics that can function as a better set of truth criteria for our narratives - thought-forms that govern every aspect of our lives. Narratives are not only sense making machines in the face of uncertainty, they are the very substance of our social reality; and so it is critical that we can understand what cultural evolution means.
Through our analysis and mapping of the phenomenon of narrative forms in this moment of transition, we are setting out to trail the trope of educational heurism.
All TTS research will be published and distributed. [TTS]

THE ΤΕΛΟΣ SOCIETY is a registered nonprofit organization in Athens, Greece. It was founded in 2019 and it is privately supported by friends and donors of TTS. It is governed by the founding member in close collaboration with the TTS Financial and Legal advisor of the Board.
Arts & Culture Research Lab Observatorium
Ένας αιώνας ιστορίας
ISBN 978-618-85752-6-4
December, 2024
Author, Georgia Kakourou-Chroni
Edited & designed by Georgia Kotretsos
Illustration content, Nikos Vagias
Illustrations, Stefanos Koltsidopoulos
Color, Anastasia Victoria Mikrou
Printed in Athens, Greece at Τυπογραφείο ΠΛΕΤΣΑΣ - ΚΑΡΔΑΡΗ
Ένας αιώνας ιστορίας
ISBN 978-618-87235-0-4
Iούνιος, 2024
Αttica Bank Ανώνυμη Τραπεζική Εταιρεία
Παλαιών Πατρών Γερμανού 3-5, 105 61 Αθήνα
Επιμέλεια έκδοσης | Editor: Γεωργία Κοτρέτσος |Georgia Kotretsos
Σχεδιασμός | Design: THE TEΛΟΣ SOCIETY, Arts & Culture Research Lab Observatorium
Βοηθός επιμέλειας: Αικατερίνα Νεφέλη Καούτσκη
Διόρθωση αντιγράφου: Σουζάνα Φάις
Έρευνα, συγγραφή | Research: Μαρία Σαμπατακάκη | Maria Sampatakaki
Επιμέλεια κειμένων και φωτογραφικού υλικού | Writer: Historistai
Εκτύπωση | Printed: Τυπογραφείο ΠΛΕΤΣΑΣ - ΚΑΡΔΑΡΗ
Επιμέλεια εξωφύλλων | Cover design: Attica Bank Aνώνυμη Τραπεζική Εταιρεία
© Αttica Bank Ανώνυμη Τραπεζική Εταιρεία, 2024
Modified version of the volume available to download here:
Πολιτιστική Δράση " Ισμαήλ Project"
ISBN 978-618-85752-4-0
June, 2022
Edited by Georgia Kotretsos | Γεωργία Κοτρέτσος
Copy edited by Nefeli Kaoutski | Νεφέλη Καούτσκη
Special thanks to Souzana Fais
Layout & Design by TTS & NS Design
Printed in Athens, Greece at Τυπογραφείο ΠΛΕΤΣΑΣ - ΚΑΡΔΑΡΗ
SET 978-618-85752-2-6
ISBN 978-618-85752-3-3
April, 2022
Edited by Georgia Kotretsos | Γεωργία Κοτρέτσος
Copy edited by Nefeli Kaoutski | Νεφέλη Καούτσκη
Special thanks to Souzana Fais, Ifigenia Papadatou, Eirini Vlavianou
Layout & Design by TTS
Printed in Athens, Greece at Τυπογραφείο ΠΛΕΤΣΑΣ - ΚΑΡΔΑΡΗ
SET 978-618-85752-2-6
ISBN 978-618-85752-5-7
September, 2022
Edited by Georgia Kotretsos | Γεωργία Κοτρέτσος
Copy edited by Nefeli Kaoutski & Souzana Fais | Νεφέλη Καούτσκη & Σουζάνα Φάις
Layout & Design by TTS
Printed in Athens, Greece at Τυπογραφείο ΠΛΕΤΣΑΣ - ΚΑΡΔΑΡΗ
ISBN 978-618-85752-1-9
April, 2022
Edited by Georgia Kotretsos | Γεωργία Κοτρέτσος
Copy edited by Nefeli Kaoutski | Νεφέλη Καούτσκη
Translated by Eirini Vlavianou | Ειρήνη Βλαβιανού
Documentation | Τεκμηρίωση ORKI Creative Agency
Layout & Design by TTS
Printed in Athens, Greece at Τυπογραφείο ΠΛΕΤΣΑΣ - ΚΑΡΔΑΡΗ
The publications of THE ΤΕΛΟΣ SOCIETY are available in the following libraries:

The library space of THE ΤΕΛΟΣ SOCIETY is presently undergoing renovation. It is accessible by appointment for research activities and will soon be available for our educational program catering to emerging professionals, with a priority focus on aspiring female practitioners.
5 Years | 22 Locations | Over 1000 participants | 6 Books | 9 Online journals


This our own embodiment, as already noted, is never really autonomous. Nor is it autochthonous, nor autopoietic: we require other bodies of other waters to bathe us into being. Watery bodies are gestational milieus for another - and for others often not at all like us. Our watery bodies' challenge to individualism is thus also a challenge to phallologocentrism, the masculinist logic of sharp-edged self-sufficiency.
Astrida Neimanis
This Moreover I have put forward the notion of necropolitics and necropower to account for the various ways in which, in our contemporary world, weapons are deployed in the interest of maximum destruction of persons and the creation of death-worlds, new and unique forms of social existence in which vast populations are subjected to conditions of life conferring upon them the status of living dead.
Achilles Mbembe
This being human is a guest house. Every morning is a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor... Welcome and entertain them all. Treat each guest honourably. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
What ecological thought must do, then, is unground the human by forcing it back onto the ground, which is to say, standing on a gigantic object called Earth inside a gigantic entity called biosphere.
Timothy Morton
First-hand knowledge is the ultimate basis of intellectual life. To a large extent book-learning conveys second-hand information, and as such can never rise to the importance of immediate practice… What the learned world tends to offer is one second-hand scrap of information illustrating ideas derived from another second-hand scrap of information. The second-handedness of the learned world is the secret of its mediocrity. It is tame because it has never been scared by facts.
Alfred North Whitehead
Get in touch with THE ΤΕΛΟΣ SOCIETY | TTS to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
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